Euro Conformity - Certification service
What is the Renault Certificate of Conformity (COC Renault) used for?
The European Renault Certificate of Conformity or Certificate Of Conformity COC Renault certifies that the characteristics of the vehicle during its manufacture (when it leaves the factory) conforms to the requirements of European directives.
The COC Renault Certificate of Conformity or RENAULT Certificate of Conformity is issued with the vehicle when it is first registered in Europe. The European Certificate of Conformity is the document of conformity requested by the DVLA.
The Renault certificate of conformity is compulsory to begin the process of applying for the registration of an imported Renault vehicle.
The Renault Automotive Certificate of Conformity is also required for the export or import of a passenger vehicle from a European country to a European country.
Obtain a Renault certificate of conformity for free
The Renault certificate of conformity must be provided by the vehicle brand approval service if the vehicle purchased is new. Indeed, it is the homologation service which issues the European certificate of conformity when the vehicle leaves the factory, in order to allow the future purchaser to register it in England.
It will be impossible to register and obtain the vehicle registration document without a Renault European Certificate of Conformity.
It often happens that the Renault European Certificate of Conformity is lost. In this case, it is possible to have a duplicate of the Renault certificate of conformity. The latter is chargeable and the price of the European Certificate of Conformity varies according to the brand.
Each new edition of the European COC Renault certificate of conformity is listed and invoiced by the COC approval department. The price of the duplicate certificate of conformity (COC) is 239 € for a Renault certificate of conformity.
Where to order the Renault Certificate of Conformity (COC)?
The European certificate of conformity known as COC (certificate of conformity) must be ordered online on the Renault certificate of conformity application site.
It is also possible to contact customer service directly by phone for information or to order by phone.
Renault Certificate of Conformity (COC) issued for which vehicle?
The Renault European certificate of conformity can only be issued for certain types of vehicle which must comply with the following approval conditions:
The vehicle must be in category M1 (passenger vehicle) or L1 (motorcycle).
The vehicle must have manufactured from 1996
The vehicle manufactured for the European market and not having undergone any major modification.
As a result, utility cars and trucks are not subject to Community type-approval and will not have a European certificate of conformity.